Criminal Justice

The criminal legal system disproportionately impacts people struggling in poverty, people with behavioral health conditions, and residents who are Black, Indigenous, and people of color. I’ll continue to work on legislation to prioritize public health over punishment, enhance youth justice, protect the rights of incarcerated individuals and end mass incarceration, and provide support for formerly incarcerated residents.

I have worked on:

If elected, I will fight for: 

  • Enacting comprehensive reforms to promote transparency, best practices, and better outcomes for youth involved with the legal system.
  • Ending mass incarceration, solitary confinement, overcrowding, and prison brutality.
  • Combating institutional racism in the correction system and ensuring that incarcerated people receive prompt and appropriate care for medical and behavioral health issues. 
  • Providing more programming and vocational education for incarcerated people and additional funding for re-entry services.