There can't be inclusion and equity in policymaking without disability justice. We need to continue pushing to expand access, prohibit discrimination, and ensure that disability leaders are part of the decision-making process.
I have worked on:
- A bill to set patient-centered standards for research and health care, rather than quality adjusted life year (or QALY) standards.
- Legislation to provide affordable homes for people with disabilities.
- Amendments to the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022, FY23, and FY24 state budgets that led to increases to cash assistance programs of about 10% per year for disabled residents.
- Legislation to ensure equitable access to education, including special education, for all students.
If elected, I will fight for:
- Prohibiting abuse and discrimination against disabled residents in the healthcare and court systems.
- Enabling family members and guardians to serve as paid caregivers.
- Providing accessible and affordable housing, including accessory dwelling units, for people with disabilities and older adults.
- Requiring robust emergency and evacuation planning as part of a student's 504 or IEP process and ensuring that school districts are in compliance with special education law.
- Enforcing polling place accessibility.