
Every child deserves access to high-quality public education in safe and supportive schools. I'll fight for legislation to ensure green and healthy schoolKathleen on her first day of pre-K buildings, an evidence-based, inclusive curriculum, and an end to the school-to-prison pipeline. 

I have worked on:

If elected, I will fight for:

  • Expanding affordable childcare, pre-K, after-school, and out-of-school programs and higher education opportunities. 
  • Updating the state's school funding formula (Chapter 70) to correct for inflation levels. 
  • Requiring robust emergency and evacuation planning as part of a student's 504 or IEP process and ensuring that school districts are in compliance with special education law.
  • Supporting school librarians and educators in selecting books and characters that portray the range of people in the school community in order to help students to both see themselves and learn about others. 
  • Promoting research-based curricula and instruction by providing grants for schools that select from a list of approved curricula and requiring graduate schools of education to include science-of-reading coursework in order to keep their accreditation. 
  • Prohibiting schools from excluding students based on dress code violations or other minor infractions. 
  • Creating healthy school environments through improved energy efficiency and ventilation. 
  • Providing educators and staff with fair wages and benefits, including professional development and continuing education opportunities.